‘Western Powers Should get Used to ‘Regime Change’ Failure in Syria’ – Peter Ford, Former UK Ambassador 6 July 2018 Articles By Peter Ford Source: 21st Century Wire Syria in Perspective: 38th Human Rights Council : side event organised by the International Association of...
Amnesty International: Trumpeting for War… Again 23 March 2018 Articles by PAUL DE ROOIJ Source: CounterPunch One must marvel at the first few paragraphs of Amnesty International’s recent press release: “The...
Over 5,000 Civilians Massacred by US Airstrikes on Syria in 2 Years 26 October 2016 Articles Source: FarsNews A senior politician and member of Syria's Democratic Union blasted the wrong reports given out by different US and world bodies on...
Exposing “Humanitarian Rights” Front Groups Warring Syria 12 September 2015 Articles By Eva Bartlett Source: In Gaza WordPress This page will continue to expand as more so-called “Human Rights” groups are outed for propagating...
Amnesty International director alleged to have links to Muslim Brotherhood & radical Islamists 17 August 2015 World News & Articles Source: RT A senior Amnesty International official has been found to have private links with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and revolutionary...