War or peace: Erdogan’s decision on Idlib 11 February 2020 Articles Source: Mideast Discourse Steven Sahiounie, political commentator Turkish backed terrorists, following Radical Islam, which is a political...
The Syrian Arab Army is Implementing Sochi Agreement for Idlib by Force 21 December 2019 War Reports By Arabi Souri Source: Syria News Idlib southern countryside villages are getting cleaned in order to implement Sochi’s agreement between Russian...
SAA Killed 350 Nusra Front Terrorists in 3 Days in Hama Countryside 25 May 2019 War Reports Source: Syria News The SAA – Syrian Arab Army – eliminated 350 Nusra Front (HTS, Al-Qaeda Levant) terrorists and destroyed their vehicles in the...
Bombshell: Russian Military Reveals Details of ISIS-Daesh Funding, Turkey’s Role in Supporting the Terrorists 3 December 2015 Articles Source: Global Research Russian Defense Ministry held a major briefing: “A whole team of bandits and Turkish leadership stealing oil from...
Columbia University researchers confirm Turkey’s links to ISIS 26 November 2015 World News & Articles By Harut Sassounian Source: Californian Courier A team of Columbia University researchers from the United States, Europe, and Turkey confirmed last...
Disturbing Coordinated mob-attacks, and lynchings against the Kurds in Western Turkey 8 September 2015 World News & Articles Source: Kurdistan National Congress Hundreds of Kurdish civilians in Western Turkey injured and several killed. Police have participated in the...